Wednesday, 21 September 2011

poundshop like no other

our 'bikes have feelings too' range sat very proudly among crafty treats at the poundshop last weekend...

you can still get hold of the lovingly made cards [online] along with plenty other goodies until 2 october!

book under belt

[dezeen book of ideas] launched into london design festival this week and has found itself quite the centre of attention

bikes have feelings too

Bicycles are loyal companions and don’t complain much,

they get us home in the rain, we leave them outside while we’re in the pub.

Then as soon as something goes wrong, that isn’t even their fault,

we take our anger out on them and they get forgotten about.

It’s about time we showed our wheely friends a bit of love...

And what better than with these dotingly tailored cards?

Monday, 5 September 2011

birds on bikes

a sneaky beak preview of these rather delightful cards made just for bikes, available for purchase at the [poundshop] in but 11 days!

BIRDS on BIKES is a crafty collective brought together by a mutual fondness for bicycles.... oh and our feathered friends, funnily enough