Monday 31 May 2010

goodbye studio

hello [the real] world....

nine months

degree show exhibition : an exploded view, after cornelia parker

Tuesday 25 May 2010

chimney pot views

letting the city in.........+messing with it
[inspiration from dundee +its flying residents]

Monday 24 May 2010

the play components

kit of parts : institution of interpretation

Sunday 23 May 2010

royal scottish academy

rsa 184th annual exhibition 2010, edinburgh

[hand]drawing as thinking


for all that comes after [a complete e-version] :

Sunday 16 May 2010


institution of interpretation as glue binding the Playhouse together

interacting façades

spatial +social interactions between institutions in unfolding façades
[façades as thick inhabited zones, horizontal +vertical, talking faces...]
institution of interpretation as persian rug of interactions [heterotopias]
character textures : grey-roses as the pleaser;
navy-cobbles as the hoarder;
red-distressed concrete as the intimidator;
aqua-wood grain as the coder

route of activity

reimagined communal space


playhouse at benvie road yard

toxic communal space : dumped rubbish spots, peepholes, crumbling walls, fragmented fences, dead ends....

architectural language of interpretation?

playhouse as house of forgotten desires [ivan chtcheglov]

= Playhouse

institution of interpretation on site

sub-equation for hole classification

[what we already know : lessons learnt]

Sunday 2 May 2010

situation equation

inner workings of the institution of interpretation upon inhabiting each hole in the city...